Animal Health Institute

About Us

Animal Health Institute

Animal Health Institute is one of the executive organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, established in September 2021 according to Proclamation No 1263/2021 by combining the former National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center and National Institute for Control and Eradication of Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis. The powers and duties are given by the Council of Ministers, Regulation 530/2022.   

Vision statement

By 2029, the Ethiopian Animal Health Institute stands as a regional leader in eastern Africa, excelling in impactful partnerships, fortified organizational capacity, cutting-edge research quality, amplified funding success, streamlined research coordination, and a robust institutional network, driving sustainable advancements in animal health research and fostering prosperity for Ethiopia and beyond. 

Our mission is to improve livestock production and productivity by conducting animal health research, diagnosis, disease control, training and consulting activities in an effective, accessible and efficient manner using a highly trained manpower, technologies and involving relevant sections of the society so that our country can be competitive and profitable in the domestic and international markets.

Welcome and thank you for visiting the official website of the Animal Health Institute (AHI).The official website of the AHI was developed to facilitate the dissemination of information related to AHI virtually in line with current information developments. The AHI was established by proclamation No. 1263/2021 article 46 as an autonomous Federal Government body of Ethiopia having its own legal personality. AHI is currently composed of previously, National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center (NAHDIC) and the National Institute for control and Eradication of Tsetse fly and Trypanosomosis (NICETT) and has a total number of workers of more than 500.                          

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