Animal Health Institute

Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA), WOAH collaborating center for camel Disease in the Middle East based in Abu Dhabi visited to the Animal Health Institute (AHI)

We want to express our sincere gratitude to the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA), WOAH collaborating center for camel disease in the Middle East based in Abu Dhabi visited to the Animal Health Institute (AHI) in Sebeta, Ethiopia on July 2, 2024. The team’s aim to support the investigation of Unknown Camel Diseases (UCD) problems in Ethiopia and also provided virtual training on camel Parasitology, Microbiology, and Biosecurity. We confident that the collaborative effort between the ADAFSA, WOAH team and the AHI team during the outbreak investigations is essential for tackling complex animal health challenges in our region.

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